Nullifire Fire Stopping Products

Our Tremco CPG UK sister brand, Nullifire, is a specialist manufacturer of intumescent coatings and fire stopping products. A number of their solutions are available through the illbruck product portfolio - explore the highlights from their range below:

Cavity Barriers

Cavity barriers are passive fire protection products made of fire-resistant materials, they are used to seal cavities and therefore, prevent the spread of flames and smoke through spaces within the cavities of the building.

This process slows the spread of a fire, increasing the time people are able to evacuate the building and allowing the fire fighters to get the fire under control on a faster time frame, thus reducing the damage to the building.

Nullifire’s selection of closed and open state cavity barriers are tested to many construction materials. Offering a huge selection of high performance results, utilising different substrates, different insulation types and a variety of cavity widths and air gaps, the reactive material within Nullifire's ventilated cavity products meets and exceeds the requirements of ASFP TGD19.

Explore Nullifire's Cavity Barrier range below:

To all construction professionals interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of Cavity Fire Barriers.

This training course will equip you with essential knowledge and insights into Cavity Fire Barriers, enabling you to make informed decisions and contribute to safer construction practices. The course covers building regulations, necessary approvals, an introduction to Nullifire's Cavity Barriers range, as well as services offered such as site and project support, and practical examples of best practices and common pitfalls.

The training can be delivered either in-person or online through GoToWebinar and it will last up to 1 hour. Get in touch with us today to organise your next Cavity Fire Barriers training. Contact us to find out more.

FF197 Fire Rated PU Construction Foam

Nullifire FF197 is a fire rated foam, used to seal door frames, window frames and linear gaps throughout the fire rated areas of a building. Extensively tested:

  • BS EN 1366-4 - Fire resistance test for service installations. Linear joint seals.
  • BS EN 1634-1 Fire resistance test for doors, shutters and openable windows.
  • BS476-22 Fire resistance of non-load bearing elements of construction. Building materials and structures.

Visit our Nullifire website for more information.